Limelight is a cloud-based finance software that allows CFO's and finance teams to forecast, plan & analyze (FP&A) data; collaborate in real time; and make data-driven decisions. Scroll through to see Limelight's product screenshots, blog, & social media content.

Product Screenshot [Illustrated]

Limelight has 5 major capabilities found in the product section of the website's menu bar. Each capability page features a layout from the Limelight's software [product screenshot]. The goal was to highlight key features within each capability screenshot. 

Product Screenshot 1 - Dashboard & Analytics 

Product Screenshot 2 - Financial Reporting

Product Screenshot 3 - Budgeting and Forecasting

Product Screenshot 4 - Management and Reporting

Product Screenshot 5 - Workforce Planning

Limelight Blog [Cover Image]

We've created custom illustrations and cover layouts for several company's blogs. 

Blog covers - Highlighted blog posts 

Blog cover - An example of a blog cover on the blog page

Copyright © Liza Akhmed
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